Saturday 3 March 2012

Favourite video game characters 50-41

I decided to update my list, because last time I did it in a rush and this time... I've decided to include a fair few new comers (well in the sense that most of the list is different). The new comers (if they can be called that) are more than likely to confuse and astound most people, due to baisically being pretty damn random... Ok lets kick this shit off!

50) The Maiden in Black
The main reason for putting her onto my list is not because of the role in Demon's Souls, but more because of her character design and her routine. I'm sure her routine pissed quite a lot of people off, namely my brother "WHERE THE FUCKS THAT WITCH!? I just damn near killed myself getting these 8000 souls, and then she wonders off! Great. Found her... Bitch, is like a damn bank with these interest rates... 56k for a level? Son of a bitch!" Whereas personally I thought coming back from an arduous journey to see a whimsical girl chillin' with her feet up, the lil minx! Made my journey for a few souls worth it.

49) Benjaman Carmine

Carmine, the noob of gears... and the noob of my heart. Not much can be said about the man, except he had my back and I had his. Everytime playing wingman I try for Carmine, (then again I play as any variation of Carmine no matter the mode) he, always saves my ass and destroys noobs. Your my boy blue!


Yoshimitsu, is a bad motherfucker. He's a robot, and a samurai. Thats fucking badass in my books, he can fly using his sword, he also uses his sword as a pogo stick... Shit he even has lightsabers depending on which variation your playing. However, my favourite move has to be his suicide (ish) attack, where he stabs himself to stab his oppenent, badass.

47) Morrigan (Dragon Age)

Alistor just missed out, last time I placed him on the list instead of Morrigan but after thinking about things, Morrigan slightly pipped him. It's a difficult choice, but mainly because I found both the character's dialogue to the best out of the npc's, Alistor's "swooping is bad" is a damn fine example (which was instigated by Morrigan) but I think I prefer her snarkings to Alistor's in the long run, however as I'm typing this I feel Alistor deserves to be a joint 47 alongside Morrigan.

46) Abe

Abe's oddysee was damn good, and hard. Shit I never completed it, hell I could barely do the first damn level. Maybe because I was a wee nipper, or maybe because I sucked. I still think it's damn hard. The joys, you can find from the game though are damn good, and the drinks, they looked mighty drinkable. Abe, being the little tyke he is loves to drink that slurm... Soul storm? I think. Well anyway it looked damn tasty, and abe enjoyed that shit so much he burped, the little rascal!

45) Terry (Dragon Warrior Monsters)

Dragon Warrior Monsters for me was like pokemon on crack. Shit that game was good, and at least to me Terry was a superior protagonist to Red (or even Silver and so forth). Terry was the man, he got things done. Started with slime and progessed to bad motherfuckers, he was breeding monsters before pokemon even thought to implement that shit. I mean he even beats an evil version of himself ( I think) Shit that boss was hard.

44) Andy and Whiskey (Heart of Darkness)

Andy and whiskey's journey represents the childhood fear of the dark, and eventually they slap it in it's ugly fucking face. As a kid playing this, I thought it was fucking dark, shit it's darker than most games now. I felt the fear Andy faced, and when he overcame it, I was over the fucking moon that I never have to see Andy get dragged off screen again. The bond between boy and dog, has never been as strong in video game history!


Pikachu represents my childhood, I know Terry is on the list and Red isin't but still, fuck red. It's all about the chu man. Yellow was my favourite colour out of the original 3 ( I had red to begin with) despite the fact you can get pikachu in all the others it's not the same, I'd go as far as to call it dirty. That fat fucking pikachu has nothing on this bad boy, I never evolved my pikachu, I went surfing with him too. The addition which yellow brought (which has only been reused for soul silver and heart gold) was a damn fine addition, which made the little tyke feel like it was close to you. Like a tamagotchi combined with pokemon. Plus, pikachu so damn cute!

42) Deckard Cain

Deckard Cain, despite not being my favourite character in Diablo is for me the most important in the series. He is the lore-bringer, he drops tha deep ass plot when you need it. Also, for me he is a symbol of saftey and security (well after he save his ass in the 2nd). Then, again in the first game on ps1, sadly he brought no saftey. This is mainly because in my house, you get good stuff or money, you die. Thus begining a hellish cycle of death and looting.

41) Vincent Brooks

Vincent is fucking cool, well except he's not all that faithful, but hell he had a drink, who can blame the man? Vincent in the game undergoes a transformation similar to that of Korono Kei in Gantz, in regards to him being a selfish prick thinking about his dick, into a heroic prick thinking about his dick. It's almost awe inspiring the way he rounds up his sheep bretheran and leads them to the top. Plus, he looks damn cool with horns.

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