Saturday 3 March 2012


Last time we had 50-41 which saw The Maiden in Black, Ben Carmine, Yoshimitsu, Morrigan/Alistor, Abe, Terry, Andy and Whiskey, Pikachu, Deckard Cain and finally Vincent Brooks go out.The characters there were mostly from games from my childhood, however Vince, Ben and the witches are pretty damn new. Pikachu moving up a bit from last time and everyone else being a new addition (because I actually thought a little about it ).  Well, starting from 40 the characters just keeping getting better, theres even a major name this time!

40) Isaac

Isaac was one of the first real gaming characters I discovered myself, not under the influence of my uncle or my brother. Mainly because the GBA was mine, his story was a damn fine story, hell playing as his kid on the ds is good enough for me, but if they released a new game for the wii as older Isaac, shit I'd just be throwing money at the screen until it appeared in my hands. Plus I have a thing for characters with yellow scarves.

39) Leo Stenbuck and ADA (Jehuty)

I only ever completed Zone of the Enders once, mainly because at the time, I wasn't that good (I'd kick your ass as one of the noob mechs though.) The story however, was fucking awesome. Just watching it was enough for me to instantly recognise Leo, and his story. Then again I fucking love mechs, not that keen on Gundam but still, the relationship between Leo and ADA was a damn good one too, and I thought it was one of the reasons for sony's dominance for so many years under the PS2.

38) Siegfried Schtauffen

Starting from the original Soul games (the first I played was Soul Calibur (dreamcast)) Siegfried had to be unlocked (now he doesn't) but ever since that day, he has been by far my favourite in the series. Hell as a kid I wanted to be him. Armour, big fucking sword and because I was Blonde, it didn't help that dream. He just kicked fucking ass. Up until his unlock I was all about Voldo (Because my brother dibbsed Nightmare, so now other than Yoshimitsu I'll only play as Siegfried.

37) Sarevok Anchev

Sarevok is bad motherfucker, the primary antagonist of Baldur's Gate (1) and your brother. Being the son of a God isin't all it's cracked up to be, since in Baldur's Gate you would of had to deal with this motherfucker. He shows how badass he is right from the get go, kills your foster father and comes at you, like, heh, come at me bro? See what I did there? Other than that he goes to hell, and kicks ass in hell... Then comes back from Hell. Yeah, you read right this bad son bitch came back from hell, to help his bro kick some fucking ass!

36)Death's Hand

This dude is just fucking cool, any idiot can see that he oozes cool. Alongside this serious coolness, he happens to be a bad motherfucker and a damn fine antagonist to boot! I suspected that he wasn't entirely evil, and there was some motive behind the shit he was doing ( I mean you can't be that bad without being good). I still think his role in the narrative is impresive, and is a damn cool character which any game would be proud of.

35) Alundra

For some reason, I always thought Alundra was a girl, I only realised when they called him, shit like "boy" "Him". I mean, if noone brought up that he was a he, I would of thought the he was a chick. Nonetheless he would of placed here even if he was she, because of the feel of the game. When playing it I was reminded of Zelda, so that probably bumps Alundra the game (and the character) in my estimations, however they are good in their own right, due to the originality of the plot.

34) Stupei (Junpei Iori)

Junpei is your bro, he talks about chicks, and shares a faint rivalry with the Mc. His character however is damn realistic, in regards to his cocky, yet shy attitude and slacker nature. His story arc (by that I mean how he moves up and gains his better persona) is one of the more interesting. Some of the others (by that I mean Fuuka's) were a lot less engaging, and more real feeling than some of the others.

33) Sonic

Sonic, was a big part of my life growing up. I had a damn subscription to the comic/magazine, I had Sonic toys, watched the cartoon religously and played all the games. I fucking love sonic, I even like Tails (and obviously Knuckles)... Hell, on the dreamcast I even like playing as fucking Amy. Nonetheless the eponymous Hedgehog is the top dog for me, just because of his jerkass nature and he made out with a princess in the newer game, you go Sonic, you sly hedgehog you!


Hunk is a bad motherfucker, he snaps necks and gets the job done. He wears a gask mask. Need I say more? Oh, and he's nicknamed Mr. Death (well depending on translation). I really don't think any more needs to be said. Oh, and he cosplays as the grimreaper for lulz.

31) Serph

Serph is fucking cool, the demon he can transform into, his blades in its arms... Shit, it looks like a demon form of Jehuty. It's that badass. Hell even Lady Fucking Gaga stole fashion from Serph's fucking demon (Avatar (Varna)). I mean, that isin't make him cool, I'm just sayin bitch needs to pay royalties or some shit. Plus another nice thing is you can pretend Akihiko in Persona 3 is Varna by giving him a special weapon! Serph story is pretty fucking cool, and I don't want to give too much up if you haven't played it. (If you do... be fucking prepared for difficulty, and hemaphrodites).

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