Lets get it cracking!
30) Ryo Hazuki
Ryo Hazuki, the son of a master mart- As if that matter's look at that bomber jacket! Shit he's cool. Most 18 year old's have the problem with their pa not giving them the hooch, Ryo doesn't have that problem. His problem is paying back the son bitches, who smoked his daddy. Sadly theres yet to be Shenmue 3 , but still, if you have an emulator you can relive the ass kicking whilst waiting for the badman to return.
29) Tohru Adachi
Damned if you'll find this man lacking a cabbage, dude eats them shits up like jelly beans. Adachi, for me at least was a damn fine addition to the Persona 4 cast, despite thinking the game is the weakest in the series (apart from 1). However, the game is still damn fine and Adachi fulfils his role, damn good, You get them "Bitches and Whores!" my man.
28)Ryoji Mochizuki
Do you see what he did there? Anyway Ryoji for me is fucking awesome. Wether its a gag comic, the manga or the game, Ryoji is the shit. When P3P came out, I was like shit son Ryoji gonna' get some. He did, (I think) well he got close anyway. I love his scarf, and the fact that his name sorta reminds me of "Mocha" and we all know, Persona 3 is about drinking coffee, eating ramen, mastering the art of Karaoke and dating fiiiiiiiine honey's (and the fantastic plot and climbing a massive fucking tower). Ryoji for me represenst a large chunk of what the persona games are about, most people think SMT games a dark and morbidly depressing, but most have that faint glimmer of hope. Ryoji, was not that reprsentation (hope), he was regret and despair, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I'll help you anyway. It's not going to matter though.
27) Garrus Vakarian
Man, I really like Mass Effect and as such, I like the characters. Mainly Garrus (I like Shepard too but fuck him, I can't a picture of my Shepard, so he's not on the list because he's the only Shepard in my heart). Wrex almost made it on the list, but since I snuffed him cus he was being a jerkass, I havent seen him since numero 1 (however playing the ME3 demo highlighted the joys of Wrex). Garrus, is Shep's bro. Never leaves my side unless I need some other goon to do some sort of task he can't do. Your my boy blue ! (I know, Carmine's my boy, but they both got some nice shiny blue armour so its cool dawg.) Your my alien boy blue!
26) Brosuke and Teddie
This one was almost Brosuke, Teddie and Brotagonist you can see him in the pic too (as well as Pharos strangely). I can't seperate the two and as such they get one number for the pair, aren't I nice? Yosuke Hanamura, feels more bro-ly than Junpei, mainley because you get a social link with him (I know P3P but fuck that). Teddie on the other hand is there to throw out the un-Bearable puns, and progress the story, and both of them in this regard keep the emotion throughout the game. A main example would be if you listen to Yosuke in a certain event, and cave into emotions... Bad move guys. They make you feel at home more than any of the other characters (except someone else who is yet to appear). Oh, yeah since I'm talking about P4, fuck Naoto Fuck her. I don't see why she gets some many damn fan boys. Fuck. Not that she's a bad character, I just don't get her praise, hell I get Kanji's praise, I fucking love Kanji.
25) Ryotaro Dojima
I fucking love Dojima, he's a bad motherfucker through and through, "Daddy's got Criminals to apprehend" in the word's of hiimdaisy. It's not just that what makes him cool, it's that he feel's like family (which has been overlooked somewhat in the animation where the major climax feels a wee bit less dramatic). Even the way he makes the coffee feels homely, black making you want to look tough, but the way to win his heart (and a face full of coffee) is to go with the surprise angle. Even the way he slaps around poor Adachi and drags him everywhere is cool. Oh and the I've seen you naked comment, the platypus T-shirt and buying yu (ha pun.) a nice set of speedos. (well trunks but yu (and agaaaiiiiiiin) get the drift).
24) Elizabeth
Elizabeth makes me swoon. Yeah, you read that swoon. Mainly because she keeps my fanboy dreams alive (hah, Literally, well trying to at least). Other than being mentioned in P4 (which was the event I just described) she is a Bitch to beat, shit she's hard, and the worst thing is, she beats you down with a fucking pixie... A PIXIE!? Hard doesn't begin to describe the battle. Enough battling, on to dating! She's a datable character in FES (and portable) and my are her adventures entertaining, like appeasing the God of a wishing well, good times indeed.
23) Kanji Tatsumi
Another SMT character, and a Persona one at that... This whole segment, like I said is full to the brim with them, well only two more to go.. Firstly Kanji, Nearly every scene with Kanji in is fucking brilliant, however his usefulness is pretty much 0. However, being the nice chap I am I got everybodies level up to 100 and actually used him!? Shock and Awe! Hell, he was present in the final (final) battle, and saved brotag's ass with a falcon kick! His sexual confusion, is also a key element in what makes Persona 4 fucking wonderful, and comedic chase scenes, "Takin' Yu Punks down!". Aaaaaand again!
22) Heat
Heat is fucking awesome, I think he used marin karin on me? Well anyway, he could troll that shit before Mitsuru. He even has a fucking cape, ok his avatar is no way near as fucking cool as serphs, but he doesn't turn into a, I dont even fucking know, a hemaphrodite? Well whatever, his part to play is damn significant and he does it in a cool way, you don't know if he's a dick or if he's a dick with a heart of gold (up until a certain momento). Either way, he's fucking Gar and you know it.
21) Solid Snake
Snake's earned his place at a respectable 21 mainly by being fucking Gar and hiding in cardboard boxes. Shit, You know when you've got a badass overhere when he can hide from numerous goons in a fucking box. I mean I tried that shit in MGS4 I got fucking owned, back in the day old man Snake hid from everybody, and I fucking loved it.
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