Sunday 4 March 2012


The end is nigh, and again many damn fine characters went out, such as surprisingly Solid snake and blah blah blah! Anyway moving this trainwreck to it's big fucking bang we start today with, what may surprise many a person(a) tee hee... with....

20) Brotagonist!? (Souji Seta/Yu Narukami)

 I know the picture comes from the anime, but still, if one picture was going to be used for brotagonist it had to be the kings game (were oddly enough he got nearly every possible answer from the game, except the piggy back, awh shucks!). However, for me brotagonist is strong addition to the Persona Mc's, his final scene against the true boss is fucking badass (won't say more because of spoilers). His heart-warming relationship with Nanako (despite verging a bit close for comfort) warms the soul. However, he only reaches 20 because for me he wasn't the most interesting in the game and because his character design is the weakest out of the 4 male protagonists of the series and that I found myself, thinking "Fuck his story I want Minato. Fuck him." Mainly because of, the tidbit given to him by Margaret and because the game plays off 3 a bit more than it should.

19) Brandon Heat (Beyond the Grave)

Shit gungrave was cool. For some reason before I played it I always thought it was a mech game, I mean a zombie cowboy trying to avenge himself and kill his bro is pretty similar, right? Well either way the game was fucking sweet, Harry almost made it onto the list but I lacked space so he got booted out for.. Kanji? Yeah Kanji (mainly because I forgot about Kanji). Anyway, the main reason is I love his story (in the anime too). He and Harry have a relationship not unlike that of Griffith and Guts from Berskerk, but lets face it Guts and Griff are sooooo much better. However, being worse than them two, is a feat which is eaisly accomplished, then again I do have the hawks flag directly above where I'm sitting so it's a bit unfair. Nevertheless Brandon is a cool motherfucker.

18) Crash Bandicoot

As a kid Crash Bandicoot was my favourite fucking game ever. Shit, I think I still have 3 which kicks fucking ass. Like Sonic, but I dont know what the fuck a bandicoot is. Riding that polar bear, (I think) has to be one of the greatest moments for me, alongside the boulder... Feels like i'm a small orange Indy!

17) Kain

Kain, I would say is a bad man, but that isin't the case. He's a bad vampire, shit you can tell he's badass just by looking at his fucking sword, it's got a fucking skull on it, come on man! You know thats fucking awesome. Plus there's the fact that despite being the primary protagonist of the series he also gets to roll around as the antagonist, which is also pretty fucking cool. (Raziel was on the list too but I needed room, and out of the two I prefer Kain, despite Raziel being cool as fuck too).

16) Ico and Yorda

Ico is a small boy with big goals. I'm going to escape this dungeon which I was sent to cus of my badass horns, and save this fine ass honey too. Well, it's a bit like that but without the vulgarity and a heap load more heartwarming goodness. Oh, and you get a sweet lightsaber!

15) The Nameless One

Ok, despite looking like a zombie caveman, this dude is far from a fucking caveman (not so much zombie). My brother told me, "You gotta get your wisdom up and be a mage, Morte's a good enough fighter." I was like, screw that he's cleary a fucking ape, Let's fucking tustle! Shit was I wrong. Morte does kick ass and before the likes of Dues ex and whatnot you could talk your way out of fucking anything on this. Shit, you could probably convince Morte that he was fucking yuu (did it again).

14) Tatsuya Suou

Despite not being able to play the series until 3 (living in Europe sort dampens the quantity of games now and then) I bought the portable version the second it came out (well, I'd already watched a full playthrough because that damn emulator never worked). I fucking love Tatsuya, mostly because of that awesome fucking lighter, sometimes I just stop... Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn, ya know?

13) Viola Gyune

Ok, she got bumped up the list dramatically by a twist of fate, but she's still a damn fine character. Viola, would of made it on to my list for her role in Zone of the Enders, however she surpasses Leo because of her role in the anime. Hold up, thats cheating, yo! The only reason it's not cheating is because it sheds some light on her past, which makes the final fight in ZOE 1 a lot more dramatic (well for me at least). Oh, and her mech is aweeeeeeeesome (well, maybe not as cool as Jehuty or Anubis but you get the drift).

12) Faize Sheifa Beleth

Faize gets waaaaaaay too much stick, wether it's people dissing the game he's from or wether it's people cussing his english voice (fuck you, that's Jason Liebrecht, in my ears thats fucking Hei. I fucking love Hei). Hell after playing star ocean 4 (I think it's 4) I went out and bought as many fucking game's with Liebrecht fucking in. They all fucking sucked, but I was one step closer to playing as that elusive fucking reaper. Besides that fanboy glee, I also enjoyed his arc in the story his loli fetish with lymle. He made a damn fine villain, to a pretty sucky protagonist, oops shit that was a pretty big fucking spoiler, Ive tried to avoid them. Fuck, well he starts to get a bit doubty and shit when he gets that scarf (tis the begining of the end for him if yuu (hehe) play the game!)

11) Jon Irenicus

This is what I love about Bioware, they be fucking up stereotypes one at a time baby! Like, The Nameless One, Jon is also a mage... I mean what the fuck right? I mean He's fucking Huge in the words of my comic "I'm the grockiest nakedest mage evar." Becuase he fucking IS. Other than fucking the system, this bad motherfucker is a damn fine antagonist, in a damn fine game. His sisters not too bad either.

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