Thursday 16 September 2010

Top 10 actors of all time

10) Jo Shishido

Ok This bad motherfucker is on my list for being in one of the coolest films ever made, Branded to kill. Ok title alone is badass,  Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell, Bastards! (A link just in case you wanna check them out =D). However a few good roles does not guarantee his place, the fact he augmented his cheeks to get more badass roles does, he is the fucking hell shit.

9) James Stewart

Ok everyone should know James Stewart, Vertigo, Rear window, The big sleep... the list could go on for weeks! He is just awesome, I don't know what it is hes just a class act. He even kicked ass in the war, getting medals, and just PLANE badassry (He was in the air force). Also he was promoted to colonel, one of very few Americans to rise from private to colonel in four years! Not many actors have done that have they ?

8) Clint Eastwood

Ok now do I need to say more than this one word : Badass ? This man, should be praised for being one of the few skinny people to bring dread and fear to every nation. Espically if your mexican and/or a criminal! Motherfucker he'll get ya. Ok heres a link to my favourite quote, its really over looked ! :'( :
Harry's Policy, such an awesome scene.

7) Toshiro Mifune

One of the baddest motherfuckers out there, as a wise man once said "All you need is one look at Toshiro Mifune to know that he's fucking serious.  He's coarse, he's gruff, he's confident, he doesn't take any fucking shit from anyone and he's got the sort of commanding presence that forces you to respect the fact that he could kick your ass fifteen ways from Thursday afternooon and not even break a sweat." To read the rest click here =)  Well like he said, if you ever think of a samurai you think of Toshiro Mifune. I put him ahead of Clint Eastwood due to the fact that he seems more physically intimidating, so he is more badass, and that is both there jobs, and he stared alongside my favourite badass (who will appear later) Charles bronson in Red Sun.

6) John Cusack

John Cusack, just missing out on the top 5... He plays many roles, and gives hope to the geekish loners of the world, by being goofy and badass at the same time. His best role Martin Q. Blank as seen in Grosse Pointe Blank. He kills Dan Akroyd with a fucking T.V. thats how awesome he is.

5) Bruce Campbell

The man who's chin CAN kill. He is so awesome he wrote a book called : 'If chins could kill'. He also plays the most badass machismo character in the inventation of the universe Ashley J. Williams. Yes his name is Ashley, you call him a girl, you'll see what happens. He even played an ageing Elvis inpersenating an Elvis Inpersenator who is inpersenating him, in Bubba Ho-tep, awesome.

4) Alain Delon

Possibly the coolest motherfucker on the planet, hell in his prime I would. The cool motherfucker worked with my #2 in the list on multiple occasions and offered the reversal of his character, each time, which is very nice. He also appeared in possibly the coolest film ever, as the protagonist in Le samourai.

3) Vincent Price

He's that badass his picture gets his name. He is the B-movie horror king, no-one does it better, and only Bruce campbell is par, however due to the amount of role differences Vincent takes it. His voice is the most recognisable after patrick stewarts, but thats because he's still around i.e. American Dad Bulluck. However Price's role here is assured for his awesome repertoire, which includes theatre of blood, laura, the last man on earth... I could go on, and on but simply put he is the sex.

2) Charles Bronson

Ok Bronson the ultimate badass, wether he's igor in house of wax or paul kersey, he dazzles the screen with awesome over the top awsomeness which leaves the viewer in awe. Red sun my favourite of his films stars him and two other residents of my top 10, however in this film he shows the comic appeal to his acting, and again in farewell friend. He is just awesome, even when they made deathwish 5 (which really should of ended after 1). The death series works because he is so awesome his one liners make the films extreme, just look at this clip, awesome. However he missed the topspot due to the all time great....

1) Humphrey Bogart

Bogart is the shit. Ok I was going to leave it at that but I'll give some reasons.
  1. He made the archetypal gangster Duke Mantee
  2. When you think of a noir cop, you think of bogart, and yes that is the stuff dreams are made of.
  3. He got drunk with stuffed pandas.
  4. He got around, and was a bit of a craddle snatcher.
  5. He is the fucking shit.
Ok thats it however there are a few people who get an honorary mention. Lee Byung Hun for being in one of the slickest (and second coolest) film ever made Bittersweet life, he'd be on the list if he wasn't in fucking G.I. FUCKING Joe. Jared Kusnitz and Shia La Beouf because they have potential to grow Dance of the dead and disturbia (a rear window clone) are highly enjoyable (With other films to mention too) and  Choi Min-Sik and Krissada Terrence if they were in more roles which I could watch, They will be on the list, hopefully soon I can put Choi Min-Sik on, as a new film is coming soon. Their best two films are Oldboy (the best film ever made) and 13 Beloved , which is also up there with the best.

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