Thursday 16 September 2010

Character of the day =D

Ok this is going to be my first character of the day! The character can be a real life person, a mythological hero, even an angel! Hell, this is going to be  frequent event from now-on! Why 'cus I is bored  =D
Well anyway I'll kick it off with a henchy character....

Now this Motherfucker is a real 'bad-man' well... except technically he isin't a man. Well anyway this sexy piece of ass from way back in the 80's was that motherfucker who was allways shitfucking your shit. You come home (if your a decipticon) and that motherfucker is always hatching some scheme. Not to fuck up the autobots, no I really think he really didn't care about them, he had an Iago thing going on. He want Megatron's job, and also his shiny metal ass.
The most awesome fail from this was when he threw out Megatron after the beef with the autobots, which he stated 'survival of the fitest'. He simply threw away his leader, badass. Then made himself a fucking crown and coronated himself with trumpets and shit, he really is that motherfucker.. Oh wait.. well after he crowned himself Megatron came back as, well erm Galvatron and disintergrated Starscream, but thats not the end of this motherfucker.
He comes back as ghost and starts instagating more shit, if that aint badass, the fact that he can literally die multiple times and still be a pain in everyones ass, that is the ultimate acension to badassry. His biggest bad ass feet. however was fucking up all them motherfucking dinobots. The dinobots are bad ass, Grimlock the most bad ass motherfucker since zeus. He killed them all dead, 'Nuff said.

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