Thursday 16 September 2010

10 Things which do NOT need to be remade.

10) Pacman

Pacman has been remade countless times, but why? The series has not evolved, and when it tried to branch out it resulted in a catestrophic failure. The game itself however is ultimatley awesome to the Nth degree, if it was female I totally would... Oh wait Mrs Pacman ? Too bad it sucked. (and not in the good way)

9) Tetris

Tetris... The words damage the eardrum with the protruding sound of familiarity. Everyone knows tetris, everyone has played tetris, however in every varation it has always been the same, which, really cannot be changed which is why this is number nine on my list.

8) Cowboy Bebop

Scheduled for a release in 2011 the cowboy bebop movie is destined to fail. The film has got premise, and Cowboy bebop is one of my favourite series', however I really think they should give it time. At this moment in time, all anime films have had a common trend: They have all failed, wether its critically, or financally the only good films to come from an anime/manga, are the Death Note films, Oldboy and only a few more (Which include Crows Zero (1 & 2 ) which I am quite partial to). However because of the americanization of the film, I think it should wait untill an anime has been successfully amercanized and made into a film. If I thought the film itself should not have been made I would of posted it at number 2 (however it does have premise of a film).

7) Persona 4

Rumour has it that Persona 4 is the latest game from the persona series to be remade, this makes no sense to me. I'm a huge fan of the series, Persona, is a solid JRPG, I've only recently been able to play the first game thanks to the PSP's unicode, however my introduction was persona 3 which is my favourite game, and I've bought 3 different versions of it, and I really do not want to buy four again, when they should release 5 or P2P, as Persona 2 is the only one not frequently available.

6) Fright Night

One of my favourite films, and again why must it be remade? Its allready perfect a mix between vampires and rear window, what more do you need? Yet people want to remake it just because it was filmed in the 80's. This is due to the lack of inspired writters (which are non-existant in mordern hollywood) and the recent vampire trend. They will change the theme from people who like camp b-moviesq horror films. They plan to change the role  Peter Vincent to a vegas magician, this totally loses all the charm of the original character, who is obviously a spoof of vincent price, and has obviously been removed because tweens will not recognise such an iconic figure. Toolish, behaviour.

5) Evil dead

Evil dead, a classic. There have been three films made in the trilogy (duh !) all which have been awesome. It was even a musical, and a video game. However speculation was that Park chan-wook was going to remake it (which is now false) but I would have loved to see it, as he is my favourite director, but I still didn't really want it. Sam rami is going to make a remake though, instead of number 4. However this should not take place no-one man can replace the awesome chin which can kill, called Bruce Campbell, he is a god and cannot be replaced. Even thinking about replacing him should be punishable by chuck. By that I mean you shalt be smote.

4) Oldboy

This cannot ever happen, EVER. Oldboy is my favourite film ever ( I'm so defensive I sound like a tween) . Will Smith cannot be Oh-dae su PERIOD. Will Smith cannot act he has one role and that role is not Oh-dae su. Also the planned to take out two of the most vital parts 1) INCEST 2) real squid eating. Will Smith is nowhere near as bad-ass as Choi min SICK (as I call him). He would never eat a squid. Ever. Plus Park chan wook is the perfect director, so there is no need to undermine his awesomeness.

3) Death Note

Ok we're getting into the 'pissed off level'. This is because Death Note has been milked for all its worth, they have made the 37 episode series which was good, awesome if it would of ended earlier. 3 live action films and even re-released the series into 3 dvds in different perspectives. Ok now why the fuck do they need to make another film? Just to americanise a series to make money because hollywood cannot in good conscience make anything themselves, after exhausting their source material, they leach off the success of other countries and make them... dirty, not to mentoin Zac Effron is fucking light, I'll give him a chance when he starts making some serious films, but untill then he is scum.

2) Full metal panc!

Ok that picture is a serious spoiler for anyone into the series but fuck it I'm a bit pissed and on a roll. This is my favourite series ever, hands down. Now madalay have bought the rights to it. The series does have premise for a film, however with all that being said, with the recent turn out of anime films all being mediocre when done in the states, it needs to be said that chances are this will fail. Untill I see the director I'm going to hate this because this series has the premise of a really good film but motherfuckers who can't write thier own shit and want to make a quick buck from existent fans. Fuck hollywood. Americanizing bastards. Plus Effron wants to be Sousuke.... Fuck Effron Fuck Mandalay.

1) Let the right one in

Ok this is it! Let the right one in is number one 'cus it pissed me off the most. Ok hollywood, why the fuck have you just remade on 08 film ? Because you fucking suck. This came out in 08 and was a brilliant film, but got caught up in the tweens lust for vampire films, and now is scheduled for 10 release.. Ok why? Its allready modern. Seriously. Fucking parasites. Dumbing the film down just to suit twilight fans, its just outrageous.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes I can't be bothered to change them!

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