Sunday 4 March 2012


Ok, the zombified marachi has gone, and a few big hitters are gone, well maybe not big franchise hitters, but big fuckers too me. Like, we had to say bye bye to brotagonist (and spawned many a pun about you (see what I did there?)). This part is where many an obvious character, well if you know me, the top 3 are damn near inevitable... well let's begin!

10) Too cool for school... It's Dante!

"Listen lady, I'm just toooooo cool." Well said Dante (egoraptor). This demon hunting (half)demon grabs yuu by the balls and tales you he's better than you, and he's probably banged every female (possibly male too) in your life and then spat at your daddy and said, hell he didn't have to say anything, he's that fucking cool. Hell if I care that he's being updated, shit it would of happened eventually, I mean look how convoluted any super hero fucking is. I mean shit, I don't even know who the green lantern is anymore, hell spiderman for that matter... Fuck, theres like an army of batmen too, shit where does fucking Terry Mcguiness fit in to that shit? Anyway Dante's had my atention since the first fucking game and Im yet to not play any in the series, I even watched the anime, and Hilary Haag's voice was fucking wonderful for Patty. Dante is cool by that, I mean he epitomises it, then redifines it then epitomises it again, yuu get the idea.

9) Nerevarine

Yeah, fuck you sense, I never play as a fucking dunmer, I'm all about the redguard's baby! Despite the dude your supposed to be the reincarnation of is a dark elf, I never played (well I have) as one. I'm a fighter through and through. I fucking love the story in Morrowind, it's immersive and has tons of shit to do and collect, and all the quest have pretty neat overarching plots. Whereas the newest additions, suck balls and decided to scrap everyting good about the games for I really don't know what they add.. Dual wielding? Shit if I care (albeit dual katana's is pretty sweet BG2 favourite that is). Well anyway the major point I'll make is Oblivion sucks more than Morrowind (but is still acceptable) Skyrim decieved me... I felt like I was meeting Jiub in the cart, but sadly it turned out that there were about what 12 quests in the game? The rest were randomised nothingness? Dragons turned into panzys and slowly but steadily Bethesda are getting rid of pieces of armour and skills? Shit I remember when they differntiated short blades, daggers, long blades and all sorts of shit... Hell there were even spears I think!? Besides, that the character was just more badass, he got things done. I killed 3 fucking gods. 3. Yeah I killed Vivec, what of it chump?

8) Nanako Dojima

Instead of giving Nanako one big picture like I gave her big bro, I gave her 3 because I just couldn't decide which one was the best. Nanako warms the soul, the music dedicated to Nanako is soooooooooooooooooooo good, hell it's probably my favourite track on the soundtrack mostly because the emotional intensity when it's played during the game and the lyrics to the song, describing Nanako's lonley days, the guilt she feels about her mother's death and numerous other motives. As her ranking is the highest out of the Persona 4 cast I can say that she is my favourite character in four, without her the game would be a lot weaker. Her, welcomes made yuu feel like you were her Oniisan! (Japanese big bro, I think.. I hope!?). Anyway for me at least I just wanted too sayy ahwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhh every time the little tyke was on my screen.

7) Link

I know the picture is pretty damn random, but I fucking love that ordon goat. That goat man!? Well anyway Link.. What do I need to say about Link? I loved the games the first time I played them I think a link to the past was my first game? Well anyway it was one of the gameboy one's and it kicked ass, man everytime ive got a sword and I'm near grass I start slashing like a deranged mountain camel (what the fuck?). Daddy needs some rupees ! Plus, the Hylian shield is pretty damn cool, the master sword, the creepy moon dude in majora's mask anddddddddd the chickens. I fear retribution everytime I near a chicken, hell playing fable I thought I was going to get smote everytime they approached, Link that fearless bastard!

6) Aigis

Ok since I haven't been that spoilery, fuck it final scene in Persona 3 (not Fes). I didn't just use that picture to be a douche, but because of the emotional significance of that scene. Ok, Aigis does annoy me in the fact, out of all the characters she is the only one who's been figure spammed (but now since the persona 4 anime, ive got myself a thanatos preordered, squee). Hell I almost used a picture of my figure of Aigis with Guts' dragonslayer. Well back to the character, the stages in which she gains more and more human emotions, is wonderful to me, I just love the slight changes until she barely sounds robotic at all. Also, they sort of allued a bit to what it must of been like for the joker in persona 2 (having memory of the events, but none of the others do). I love the final moments of the original game, Aigis' chapter, may not be as fun as Minato's (MC's) but she stands out for me in her emotional development, and her ending theme, Brand new days.

5) Francis York Morgan

I didn't put in a spoiler for yuu guys! Be glad. I don't care about the blatant similarities between twin peaks and deadly premoniton. I love both, and as such I can say that Francis is a similar character to good old Coop but not the same. I prefer Coop as most probably would, but Francis is fucking great, he's more agressive than Coop, which adds to his charm. However, both characters neglect the advice given to them, Coop ignores the giant, Francis ignores his coffee (and shit goes down) the game is a masterpiece, and Franics (I call him Francis and not York for a reason) is a damn fine character and deserves your time to experience his tale. Plus, there are more Deadly prem. games coming, maybe not soon but Swery's got work, that lovely bastard! 

4) The floating skull of my heart...  Mortimer "Morte" Rictusgrin

Morte, is a man like most, he enjoys chasing tail and cussing punks out. Well, he lacks a body and the aforementioned girls are zombies, but still he's a bad motherfucking skull. Like the nameless one, Morte can talk his enemies to death... By shouting vulgarity at them! He actually learns swears depending on some of the choices you make. They do serious fucking damage too! The main reason I put him ahead of thou that shalt not be named is baisically because Morte grabbed my attention from the get go. I loved the lil skull sooo much I got him some new teeth (hehe). The reason I continued to play (because at the time I was playing Baldur's gate 2) was because of Morte, I love the skull de la Morte? (I think thats right, screw it),

3) Not-so-obvious (yeah, he is) Minsc + Boo.

I like Minsc soo much, I have his soundboard... on my phone! So, whenever I get a message I hear... Go for the eyes boo, go for the eyes ahhh! I could quote Minsc for days and it wouldn't get old. The only thing I dislike about Minsc is how poorly treated he is by Abdel (protag) in the book, and that he's a weak ginner. Bastards. Fucking up the burliest man in all the realms and his minature giant space hamster!? Too shame. I seriously cannot wait till I find out what that new Baldur's gate announcement is. Shit, man I know they said no more bhaalspawn but I want fucking more... Speak ing of which number 2...

2) The Bhaalspawn

I don't know why I always use this potrait (well currently I have a picture of Serpico, but I couldn't use that could I ?) well anyway this pirate looking dude, was once a fighter... Then a blue monk and is currentley a  swashbuckler, cus you know, badass much? Anyway the story and progression in the two games and their expansion is fucking amaaaaaaaaaazing, and I love playing it to it's wonderful climax namely to see how this badman and his cohorts end up (well I mean, I know but still). The Bhaalspawns story is one of the best if not the best... I always struggle to pick between him (Bg2) and....

Numero one!

Minato Arisato (Persona 3 Mc)

I love everything about his character design, he just ooze's cool. The Manga, very well picks out the fact that he just doesn't give a fuck. He just wants too sleep and too eat. However the story of Minato is a damn fine one, and plus he's clearly the strongest persona user in the series A)because he is amplified by the arcana of death B)Because he is the only person to use the Universe arcana and C) Igor straight up tells you he is. The thing that annoys me is when people say fucking Yu (Seta/P4tag) is stronger because he doesn't fucking die. Idiots. He doesn't die because he had the help of Izanagi (won't say more due to spoilers) but fuckin Minato becomes fucking Jesus he doesn't just use the Persona's he actually manifests into the persona's hence why he actually looks like Orpheus and Messiah. Plus, he's a damn fine playboy... In contrast to brotagonist, he only gets smooches, Minato goes all the way baby. Hell he even sorta had sex with a fucking robot I say sex very loosley though, he touched her heart. Well her core. Anyway, Minato is my top character, so no surprises! 


The end is nigh, and again many damn fine characters went out, such as surprisingly Solid snake and blah blah blah! Anyway moving this trainwreck to it's big fucking bang we start today with, what may surprise many a person(a) tee hee... with....

20) Brotagonist!? (Souji Seta/Yu Narukami)

 I know the picture comes from the anime, but still, if one picture was going to be used for brotagonist it had to be the kings game (were oddly enough he got nearly every possible answer from the game, except the piggy back, awh shucks!). However, for me brotagonist is strong addition to the Persona Mc's, his final scene against the true boss is fucking badass (won't say more because of spoilers). His heart-warming relationship with Nanako (despite verging a bit close for comfort) warms the soul. However, he only reaches 20 because for me he wasn't the most interesting in the game and because his character design is the weakest out of the 4 male protagonists of the series and that I found myself, thinking "Fuck his story I want Minato. Fuck him." Mainly because of, the tidbit given to him by Margaret and because the game plays off 3 a bit more than it should.

19) Brandon Heat (Beyond the Grave)

Shit gungrave was cool. For some reason before I played it I always thought it was a mech game, I mean a zombie cowboy trying to avenge himself and kill his bro is pretty similar, right? Well either way the game was fucking sweet, Harry almost made it onto the list but I lacked space so he got booted out for.. Kanji? Yeah Kanji (mainly because I forgot about Kanji). Anyway, the main reason is I love his story (in the anime too). He and Harry have a relationship not unlike that of Griffith and Guts from Berskerk, but lets face it Guts and Griff are sooooo much better. However, being worse than them two, is a feat which is eaisly accomplished, then again I do have the hawks flag directly above where I'm sitting so it's a bit unfair. Nevertheless Brandon is a cool motherfucker.

18) Crash Bandicoot

As a kid Crash Bandicoot was my favourite fucking game ever. Shit, I think I still have 3 which kicks fucking ass. Like Sonic, but I dont know what the fuck a bandicoot is. Riding that polar bear, (I think) has to be one of the greatest moments for me, alongside the boulder... Feels like i'm a small orange Indy!

17) Kain

Kain, I would say is a bad man, but that isin't the case. He's a bad vampire, shit you can tell he's badass just by looking at his fucking sword, it's got a fucking skull on it, come on man! You know thats fucking awesome. Plus there's the fact that despite being the primary protagonist of the series he also gets to roll around as the antagonist, which is also pretty fucking cool. (Raziel was on the list too but I needed room, and out of the two I prefer Kain, despite Raziel being cool as fuck too).

16) Ico and Yorda

Ico is a small boy with big goals. I'm going to escape this dungeon which I was sent to cus of my badass horns, and save this fine ass honey too. Well, it's a bit like that but without the vulgarity and a heap load more heartwarming goodness. Oh, and you get a sweet lightsaber!

15) The Nameless One

Ok, despite looking like a zombie caveman, this dude is far from a fucking caveman (not so much zombie). My brother told me, "You gotta get your wisdom up and be a mage, Morte's a good enough fighter." I was like, screw that he's cleary a fucking ape, Let's fucking tustle! Shit was I wrong. Morte does kick ass and before the likes of Dues ex and whatnot you could talk your way out of fucking anything on this. Shit, you could probably convince Morte that he was fucking yuu (did it again).

14) Tatsuya Suou

Despite not being able to play the series until 3 (living in Europe sort dampens the quantity of games now and then) I bought the portable version the second it came out (well, I'd already watched a full playthrough because that damn emulator never worked). I fucking love Tatsuya, mostly because of that awesome fucking lighter, sometimes I just stop... Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn, ya know?

13) Viola Gyune

Ok, she got bumped up the list dramatically by a twist of fate, but she's still a damn fine character. Viola, would of made it on to my list for her role in Zone of the Enders, however she surpasses Leo because of her role in the anime. Hold up, thats cheating, yo! The only reason it's not cheating is because it sheds some light on her past, which makes the final fight in ZOE 1 a lot more dramatic (well for me at least). Oh, and her mech is aweeeeeeeesome (well, maybe not as cool as Jehuty or Anubis but you get the drift).

12) Faize Sheifa Beleth

Faize gets waaaaaaay too much stick, wether it's people dissing the game he's from or wether it's people cussing his english voice (fuck you, that's Jason Liebrecht, in my ears thats fucking Hei. I fucking love Hei). Hell after playing star ocean 4 (I think it's 4) I went out and bought as many fucking game's with Liebrecht fucking in. They all fucking sucked, but I was one step closer to playing as that elusive fucking reaper. Besides that fanboy glee, I also enjoyed his arc in the story his loli fetish with lymle. He made a damn fine villain, to a pretty sucky protagonist, oops shit that was a pretty big fucking spoiler, Ive tried to avoid them. Fuck, well he starts to get a bit doubty and shit when he gets that scarf (tis the begining of the end for him if yuu (hehe) play the game!)

11) Jon Irenicus

This is what I love about Bioware, they be fucking up stereotypes one at a time baby! Like, The Nameless One, Jon is also a mage... I mean what the fuck right? I mean He's fucking Huge in the words of my comic "I'm the grockiest nakedest mage evar." Becuase he fucking IS. Other than fucking the system, this bad motherfucker is a damn fine antagonist, in a damn fine game. His sisters not too bad either.


Ok in the last segment Isaac, Leo Stenbuck and ADA, Siegfried, Sarevok, Death's hand, Alundra, Junpei Iroi, Sonic , the mighty Hunk and Serph. Shit, that got rid of some bad motherfuckers, Hunks gone? Shit I fucking love hunk. Let's be honest though, how many up to now do you guys know? Sonic? Pikachu? Shit noone knows old Isaac. This segment seems to be full to the brim with SMT characters, oozing out of every orifice (the internet has an orifice right? Screw it).
Lets get it cracking!

30) Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki, the son of a master mart- As if that matter's look at that bomber jacket! Shit he's cool. Most 18 year old's have the problem with their pa not giving them the hooch, Ryo doesn't have that problem. His problem is paying back the son bitches, who smoked his daddy. Sadly theres yet to be Shenmue 3 , but still, if you have an emulator you can relive the ass kicking whilst waiting for the badman to return.

29) Tohru Adachi

Damned if you'll find this man lacking a cabbage, dude eats them shits up like jelly beans. Adachi, for me at least was a damn fine addition to the Persona 4 cast, despite thinking the game is the weakest in the series (apart from 1). However, the game is still damn fine and Adachi fulfils his role, damn good, You get them "Bitches and Whores!" my man.

28)Ryoji Mochizuki

Do you see what he did there? Anyway Ryoji for me is fucking awesome. Wether its a gag comic, the manga or the game, Ryoji is the shit. When P3P came out, I was like shit son Ryoji gonna' get some. He did, (I think) well he got close anyway. I love his scarf, and the fact that his name sorta reminds me of "Mocha" and we all know, Persona 3 is about drinking coffee, eating ramen, mastering the art of Karaoke and dating fiiiiiiiine honey's (and the fantastic plot and climbing a massive fucking tower). Ryoji for me represenst a large chunk of what the persona games are about, most people think SMT games a dark and morbidly depressing, but most have that faint glimmer of hope. Ryoji, was not that reprsentation (hope), he was regret and despair, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I'll help you anyway. It's not going to matter though.
27) Garrus Vakarian

Man, I really like Mass Effect and as such, I like the characters. Mainly Garrus (I like Shepard too but fuck him, I can't a picture of my Shepard, so he's not on the list because he's the only Shepard in my heart). Wrex almost made it on the list, but since I snuffed him cus he was being a jerkass, I havent seen him since numero 1 (however playing the ME3 demo highlighted the joys of Wrex). Garrus, is Shep's bro. Never leaves my side unless I need some other goon to do some sort of task he can't do. Your my boy blue ! (I know, Carmine's my boy, but they both got some nice shiny blue armour so its cool dawg.) Your my alien boy blue!

26) Brosuke and Teddie

This one was almost Brosuke, Teddie and Brotagonist you can see him in the pic too (as well as Pharos strangely). I can't seperate the two and as such they get one number for the pair, aren't I nice? Yosuke Hanamura, feels more bro-ly than Junpei, mainley because you get a social link with him (I know P3P but fuck that). Teddie on the other hand is there to throw out the un-Bearable puns, and progress the story, and both of them in this regard keep the emotion throughout the game. A main example would be if you listen to Yosuke in a certain event, and cave into emotions... Bad move guys. They make you feel at home more than any of the other characters (except someone else who is yet to appear). Oh, yeah since I'm talking about P4, fuck Naoto Fuck her. I don't see why she gets some many damn fan boys. Fuck. Not that she's a bad character, I just don't get her praise, hell I get Kanji's praise, I fucking love Kanji.

25) Ryotaro Dojima

I fucking love Dojima, he's a bad motherfucker through and through, "Daddy's got Criminals to apprehend" in the word's of hiimdaisy. It's not just that what makes him cool, it's that he feel's like family (which has been overlooked somewhat in the animation where the major climax feels a wee bit less dramatic). Even the way he makes the coffee feels homely, black making you want to look tough, but the way to win his heart (and a face full of coffee) is to go with the surprise angle. Even the way he slaps around poor Adachi and drags him everywhere is cool. Oh and the I've seen you naked comment, the platypus T-shirt and buying yu (ha pun.) a nice set of speedos. (well trunks but yu (and agaaaiiiiiiin) get the drift).

24) Elizabeth

Elizabeth makes me swoon. Yeah, you read that swoon. Mainly because she keeps my fanboy dreams alive (hah, Literally, well trying to at least). Other than being mentioned in P4 (which was the event I just described) she is a Bitch to beat, shit she's hard, and the worst thing is, she beats you down with a fucking pixie... A PIXIE!? Hard doesn't begin to describe the battle. Enough battling, on to dating! She's a datable character in FES (and portable) and my are her adventures entertaining, like appeasing the God of a wishing well, good times indeed.

23) Kanji Tatsumi

Another SMT character, and a Persona one at that... This whole segment, like I said is full to the brim with them, well only two more to go.. Firstly Kanji, Nearly every scene with Kanji in is fucking brilliant, however his usefulness is pretty much 0. However, being the nice chap I am I got everybodies level up to 100 and actually used him!? Shock and Awe! Hell, he was present in the final (final) battle, and saved brotag's ass with a falcon kick! His sexual confusion, is also a key element in what makes Persona 4 fucking wonderful, and comedic chase scenes, "Takin' Yu Punks down!". Aaaaaand again!

22) Heat

Heat is fucking awesome, I think he used marin karin on me? Well anyway, he could troll that shit before Mitsuru. He even has a fucking cape, ok his avatar is no way near as fucking cool as serphs, but he doesn't turn into a, I dont even fucking know, a hemaphrodite? Well whatever, his part to play is damn significant and he does it in a cool way, you don't know if he's a dick or if he's a dick with a heart of gold (up until a certain momento). Either way, he's fucking Gar and you know it.

21) Solid Snake

Snake's earned his place at a respectable 21 mainly by being fucking Gar and hiding in cardboard boxes. Shit, You know when you've got a badass overhere when he can hide from numerous goons in a fucking box. I mean I tried that shit in MGS4 I got fucking owned, back in the day old man Snake hid from everybody, and I fucking loved it.

Saturday 3 March 2012


Last time we had 50-41 which saw The Maiden in Black, Ben Carmine, Yoshimitsu, Morrigan/Alistor, Abe, Terry, Andy and Whiskey, Pikachu, Deckard Cain and finally Vincent Brooks go out.The characters there were mostly from games from my childhood, however Vince, Ben and the witches are pretty damn new. Pikachu moving up a bit from last time and everyone else being a new addition (because I actually thought a little about it ).  Well, starting from 40 the characters just keeping getting better, theres even a major name this time!

40) Isaac

Isaac was one of the first real gaming characters I discovered myself, not under the influence of my uncle or my brother. Mainly because the GBA was mine, his story was a damn fine story, hell playing as his kid on the ds is good enough for me, but if they released a new game for the wii as older Isaac, shit I'd just be throwing money at the screen until it appeared in my hands. Plus I have a thing for characters with yellow scarves.

39) Leo Stenbuck and ADA (Jehuty)

I only ever completed Zone of the Enders once, mainly because at the time, I wasn't that good (I'd kick your ass as one of the noob mechs though.) The story however, was fucking awesome. Just watching it was enough for me to instantly recognise Leo, and his story. Then again I fucking love mechs, not that keen on Gundam but still, the relationship between Leo and ADA was a damn good one too, and I thought it was one of the reasons for sony's dominance for so many years under the PS2.

38) Siegfried Schtauffen

Starting from the original Soul games (the first I played was Soul Calibur (dreamcast)) Siegfried had to be unlocked (now he doesn't) but ever since that day, he has been by far my favourite in the series. Hell as a kid I wanted to be him. Armour, big fucking sword and because I was Blonde, it didn't help that dream. He just kicked fucking ass. Up until his unlock I was all about Voldo (Because my brother dibbsed Nightmare, so now other than Yoshimitsu I'll only play as Siegfried.

37) Sarevok Anchev

Sarevok is bad motherfucker, the primary antagonist of Baldur's Gate (1) and your brother. Being the son of a God isin't all it's cracked up to be, since in Baldur's Gate you would of had to deal with this motherfucker. He shows how badass he is right from the get go, kills your foster father and comes at you, like, heh, come at me bro? See what I did there? Other than that he goes to hell, and kicks ass in hell... Then comes back from Hell. Yeah, you read right this bad son bitch came back from hell, to help his bro kick some fucking ass!

36)Death's Hand

This dude is just fucking cool, any idiot can see that he oozes cool. Alongside this serious coolness, he happens to be a bad motherfucker and a damn fine antagonist to boot! I suspected that he wasn't entirely evil, and there was some motive behind the shit he was doing ( I mean you can't be that bad without being good). I still think his role in the narrative is impresive, and is a damn cool character which any game would be proud of.

35) Alundra

For some reason, I always thought Alundra was a girl, I only realised when they called him, shit like "boy" "Him". I mean, if noone brought up that he was a he, I would of thought the he was a chick. Nonetheless he would of placed here even if he was she, because of the feel of the game. When playing it I was reminded of Zelda, so that probably bumps Alundra the game (and the character) in my estimations, however they are good in their own right, due to the originality of the plot.

34) Stupei (Junpei Iori)

Junpei is your bro, he talks about chicks, and shares a faint rivalry with the Mc. His character however is damn realistic, in regards to his cocky, yet shy attitude and slacker nature. His story arc (by that I mean how he moves up and gains his better persona) is one of the more interesting. Some of the others (by that I mean Fuuka's) were a lot less engaging, and more real feeling than some of the others.

33) Sonic

Sonic, was a big part of my life growing up. I had a damn subscription to the comic/magazine, I had Sonic toys, watched the cartoon religously and played all the games. I fucking love sonic, I even like Tails (and obviously Knuckles)... Hell, on the dreamcast I even like playing as fucking Amy. Nonetheless the eponymous Hedgehog is the top dog for me, just because of his jerkass nature and he made out with a princess in the newer game, you go Sonic, you sly hedgehog you!


Hunk is a bad motherfucker, he snaps necks and gets the job done. He wears a gask mask. Need I say more? Oh, and he's nicknamed Mr. Death (well depending on translation). I really don't think any more needs to be said. Oh, and he cosplays as the grimreaper for lulz.

31) Serph

Serph is fucking cool, the demon he can transform into, his blades in its arms... Shit, it looks like a demon form of Jehuty. It's that badass. Hell even Lady Fucking Gaga stole fashion from Serph's fucking demon (Avatar (Varna)). I mean, that isin't make him cool, I'm just sayin bitch needs to pay royalties or some shit. Plus another nice thing is you can pretend Akihiko in Persona 3 is Varna by giving him a special weapon! Serph story is pretty fucking cool, and I don't want to give too much up if you haven't played it. (If you do... be fucking prepared for difficulty, and hemaphrodites).

Favourite video game characters 50-41

I decided to update my list, because last time I did it in a rush and this time... I've decided to include a fair few new comers (well in the sense that most of the list is different). The new comers (if they can be called that) are more than likely to confuse and astound most people, due to baisically being pretty damn random... Ok lets kick this shit off!

50) The Maiden in Black
The main reason for putting her onto my list is not because of the role in Demon's Souls, but more because of her character design and her routine. I'm sure her routine pissed quite a lot of people off, namely my brother "WHERE THE FUCKS THAT WITCH!? I just damn near killed myself getting these 8000 souls, and then she wonders off! Great. Found her... Bitch, is like a damn bank with these interest rates... 56k for a level? Son of a bitch!" Whereas personally I thought coming back from an arduous journey to see a whimsical girl chillin' with her feet up, the lil minx! Made my journey for a few souls worth it.

49) Benjaman Carmine

Carmine, the noob of gears... and the noob of my heart. Not much can be said about the man, except he had my back and I had his. Everytime playing wingman I try for Carmine, (then again I play as any variation of Carmine no matter the mode) he, always saves my ass and destroys noobs. Your my boy blue!


Yoshimitsu, is a bad motherfucker. He's a robot, and a samurai. Thats fucking badass in my books, he can fly using his sword, he also uses his sword as a pogo stick... Shit he even has lightsabers depending on which variation your playing. However, my favourite move has to be his suicide (ish) attack, where he stabs himself to stab his oppenent, badass.

47) Morrigan (Dragon Age)

Alistor just missed out, last time I placed him on the list instead of Morrigan but after thinking about things, Morrigan slightly pipped him. It's a difficult choice, but mainly because I found both the character's dialogue to the best out of the npc's, Alistor's "swooping is bad" is a damn fine example (which was instigated by Morrigan) but I think I prefer her snarkings to Alistor's in the long run, however as I'm typing this I feel Alistor deserves to be a joint 47 alongside Morrigan.

46) Abe

Abe's oddysee was damn good, and hard. Shit I never completed it, hell I could barely do the first damn level. Maybe because I was a wee nipper, or maybe because I sucked. I still think it's damn hard. The joys, you can find from the game though are damn good, and the drinks, they looked mighty drinkable. Abe, being the little tyke he is loves to drink that slurm... Soul storm? I think. Well anyway it looked damn tasty, and abe enjoyed that shit so much he burped, the little rascal!

45) Terry (Dragon Warrior Monsters)

Dragon Warrior Monsters for me was like pokemon on crack. Shit that game was good, and at least to me Terry was a superior protagonist to Red (or even Silver and so forth). Terry was the man, he got things done. Started with slime and progessed to bad motherfuckers, he was breeding monsters before pokemon even thought to implement that shit. I mean he even beats an evil version of himself ( I think) Shit that boss was hard.

44) Andy and Whiskey (Heart of Darkness)

Andy and whiskey's journey represents the childhood fear of the dark, and eventually they slap it in it's ugly fucking face. As a kid playing this, I thought it was fucking dark, shit it's darker than most games now. I felt the fear Andy faced, and when he overcame it, I was over the fucking moon that I never have to see Andy get dragged off screen again. The bond between boy and dog, has never been as strong in video game history!


Pikachu represents my childhood, I know Terry is on the list and Red isin't but still, fuck red. It's all about the chu man. Yellow was my favourite colour out of the original 3 ( I had red to begin with) despite the fact you can get pikachu in all the others it's not the same, I'd go as far as to call it dirty. That fat fucking pikachu has nothing on this bad boy, I never evolved my pikachu, I went surfing with him too. The addition which yellow brought (which has only been reused for soul silver and heart gold) was a damn fine addition, which made the little tyke feel like it was close to you. Like a tamagotchi combined with pokemon. Plus, pikachu so damn cute!

42) Deckard Cain

Deckard Cain, despite not being my favourite character in Diablo is for me the most important in the series. He is the lore-bringer, he drops tha deep ass plot when you need it. Also, for me he is a symbol of saftey and security (well after he save his ass in the 2nd). Then, again in the first game on ps1, sadly he brought no saftey. This is mainly because in my house, you get good stuff or money, you die. Thus begining a hellish cycle of death and looting.

41) Vincent Brooks

Vincent is fucking cool, well except he's not all that faithful, but hell he had a drink, who can blame the man? Vincent in the game undergoes a transformation similar to that of Korono Kei in Gantz, in regards to him being a selfish prick thinking about his dick, into a heroic prick thinking about his dick. It's almost awe inspiring the way he rounds up his sheep bretheran and leads them to the top. Plus, he looks damn cool with horns.