Sunday 4 March 2012


Ok, the zombified marachi has gone, and a few big hitters are gone, well maybe not big franchise hitters, but big fuckers too me. Like, we had to say bye bye to brotagonist (and spawned many a pun about you (see what I did there?)). This part is where many an obvious character, well if you know me, the top 3 are damn near inevitable... well let's begin!

10) Too cool for school... It's Dante!

"Listen lady, I'm just toooooo cool." Well said Dante (egoraptor). This demon hunting (half)demon grabs yuu by the balls and tales you he's better than you, and he's probably banged every female (possibly male too) in your life and then spat at your daddy and said, hell he didn't have to say anything, he's that fucking cool. Hell if I care that he's being updated, shit it would of happened eventually, I mean look how convoluted any super hero fucking is. I mean shit, I don't even know who the green lantern is anymore, hell spiderman for that matter... Fuck, theres like an army of batmen too, shit where does fucking Terry Mcguiness fit in to that shit? Anyway Dante's had my atention since the first fucking game and Im yet to not play any in the series, I even watched the anime, and Hilary Haag's voice was fucking wonderful for Patty. Dante is cool by that, I mean he epitomises it, then redifines it then epitomises it again, yuu get the idea.

9) Nerevarine

Yeah, fuck you sense, I never play as a fucking dunmer, I'm all about the redguard's baby! Despite the dude your supposed to be the reincarnation of is a dark elf, I never played (well I have) as one. I'm a fighter through and through. I fucking love the story in Morrowind, it's immersive and has tons of shit to do and collect, and all the quest have pretty neat overarching plots. Whereas the newest additions, suck balls and decided to scrap everyting good about the games for I really don't know what they add.. Dual wielding? Shit if I care (albeit dual katana's is pretty sweet BG2 favourite that is). Well anyway the major point I'll make is Oblivion sucks more than Morrowind (but is still acceptable) Skyrim decieved me... I felt like I was meeting Jiub in the cart, but sadly it turned out that there were about what 12 quests in the game? The rest were randomised nothingness? Dragons turned into panzys and slowly but steadily Bethesda are getting rid of pieces of armour and skills? Shit I remember when they differntiated short blades, daggers, long blades and all sorts of shit... Hell there were even spears I think!? Besides, that the character was just more badass, he got things done. I killed 3 fucking gods. 3. Yeah I killed Vivec, what of it chump?

8) Nanako Dojima

Instead of giving Nanako one big picture like I gave her big bro, I gave her 3 because I just couldn't decide which one was the best. Nanako warms the soul, the music dedicated to Nanako is soooooooooooooooooooo good, hell it's probably my favourite track on the soundtrack mostly because the emotional intensity when it's played during the game and the lyrics to the song, describing Nanako's lonley days, the guilt she feels about her mother's death and numerous other motives. As her ranking is the highest out of the Persona 4 cast I can say that she is my favourite character in four, without her the game would be a lot weaker. Her, welcomes made yuu feel like you were her Oniisan! (Japanese big bro, I think.. I hope!?). Anyway for me at least I just wanted too sayy ahwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhh every time the little tyke was on my screen.

7) Link

I know the picture is pretty damn random, but I fucking love that ordon goat. That goat man!? Well anyway Link.. What do I need to say about Link? I loved the games the first time I played them I think a link to the past was my first game? Well anyway it was one of the gameboy one's and it kicked ass, man everytime ive got a sword and I'm near grass I start slashing like a deranged mountain camel (what the fuck?). Daddy needs some rupees ! Plus, the Hylian shield is pretty damn cool, the master sword, the creepy moon dude in majora's mask anddddddddd the chickens. I fear retribution everytime I near a chicken, hell playing fable I thought I was going to get smote everytime they approached, Link that fearless bastard!

6) Aigis

Ok since I haven't been that spoilery, fuck it final scene in Persona 3 (not Fes). I didn't just use that picture to be a douche, but because of the emotional significance of that scene. Ok, Aigis does annoy me in the fact, out of all the characters she is the only one who's been figure spammed (but now since the persona 4 anime, ive got myself a thanatos preordered, squee). Hell I almost used a picture of my figure of Aigis with Guts' dragonslayer. Well back to the character, the stages in which she gains more and more human emotions, is wonderful to me, I just love the slight changes until she barely sounds robotic at all. Also, they sort of allued a bit to what it must of been like for the joker in persona 2 (having memory of the events, but none of the others do). I love the final moments of the original game, Aigis' chapter, may not be as fun as Minato's (MC's) but she stands out for me in her emotional development, and her ending theme, Brand new days.

5) Francis York Morgan

I didn't put in a spoiler for yuu guys! Be glad. I don't care about the blatant similarities between twin peaks and deadly premoniton. I love both, and as such I can say that Francis is a similar character to good old Coop but not the same. I prefer Coop as most probably would, but Francis is fucking great, he's more agressive than Coop, which adds to his charm. However, both characters neglect the advice given to them, Coop ignores the giant, Francis ignores his coffee (and shit goes down) the game is a masterpiece, and Franics (I call him Francis and not York for a reason) is a damn fine character and deserves your time to experience his tale. Plus, there are more Deadly prem. games coming, maybe not soon but Swery's got work, that lovely bastard! 

4) The floating skull of my heart...  Mortimer "Morte" Rictusgrin

Morte, is a man like most, he enjoys chasing tail and cussing punks out. Well, he lacks a body and the aforementioned girls are zombies, but still he's a bad motherfucking skull. Like the nameless one, Morte can talk his enemies to death... By shouting vulgarity at them! He actually learns swears depending on some of the choices you make. They do serious fucking damage too! The main reason I put him ahead of thou that shalt not be named is baisically because Morte grabbed my attention from the get go. I loved the lil skull sooo much I got him some new teeth (hehe). The reason I continued to play (because at the time I was playing Baldur's gate 2) was because of Morte, I love the skull de la Morte? (I think thats right, screw it),

3) Not-so-obvious (yeah, he is) Minsc + Boo.

I like Minsc soo much, I have his soundboard... on my phone! So, whenever I get a message I hear... Go for the eyes boo, go for the eyes ahhh! I could quote Minsc for days and it wouldn't get old. The only thing I dislike about Minsc is how poorly treated he is by Abdel (protag) in the book, and that he's a weak ginner. Bastards. Fucking up the burliest man in all the realms and his minature giant space hamster!? Too shame. I seriously cannot wait till I find out what that new Baldur's gate announcement is. Shit, man I know they said no more bhaalspawn but I want fucking more... Speak ing of which number 2...

2) The Bhaalspawn

I don't know why I always use this potrait (well currently I have a picture of Serpico, but I couldn't use that could I ?) well anyway this pirate looking dude, was once a fighter... Then a blue monk and is currentley a  swashbuckler, cus you know, badass much? Anyway the story and progression in the two games and their expansion is fucking amaaaaaaaaaazing, and I love playing it to it's wonderful climax namely to see how this badman and his cohorts end up (well I mean, I know but still). The Bhaalspawns story is one of the best if not the best... I always struggle to pick between him (Bg2) and....

Numero one!

Minato Arisato (Persona 3 Mc)

I love everything about his character design, he just ooze's cool. The Manga, very well picks out the fact that he just doesn't give a fuck. He just wants too sleep and too eat. However the story of Minato is a damn fine one, and plus he's clearly the strongest persona user in the series A)because he is amplified by the arcana of death B)Because he is the only person to use the Universe arcana and C) Igor straight up tells you he is. The thing that annoys me is when people say fucking Yu (Seta/P4tag) is stronger because he doesn't fucking die. Idiots. He doesn't die because he had the help of Izanagi (won't say more due to spoilers) but fuckin Minato becomes fucking Jesus he doesn't just use the Persona's he actually manifests into the persona's hence why he actually looks like Orpheus and Messiah. Plus, he's a damn fine playboy... In contrast to brotagonist, he only gets smooches, Minato goes all the way baby. Hell he even sorta had sex with a fucking robot I say sex very loosley though, he touched her heart. Well her core. Anyway, Minato is my top character, so no surprises!